
Three Months!

We packed all we could into the past ten days, so I have several catch-up posts to do, but for now I just want to celebrate Elli's three months of life. How does time go so quickly?

The biggest change I've seen this month is in her language development. This girl loves to talk! She chats with us all the time, and seems to be experimenting with different tones and volumes. Most of the time she's seeing how high and loud she can get, but a few nights ago we were cuddling with her in bed and speaking quietly, and she began cooing softly to us. So sweet! My favorite part of the day with her is waking her up from naps, especially in the morning. I get the biggest smiles! Elli is becoming a better and better sleeper, often sleeping eight hours, and then right back down for another three. I am loving that! She's beginning to grab at her toys, blankets, my hair, and necklaces. She can't fully control her grasp yet, but she sure would like to stick everything in her mouth! Mr. Octopus is still her favorite, and he was a big help on our trip to Texas. She chews on her fingers constantly, and the drooling is just unbelievable. There is no end to it! She's weighing in at 14lbs and growing into more and more of her 3-6 month clothes! What a big girl!"Seriously, Mommy... laying on my back is sooo last week."


Эми said...

She's soooo beautiful Megan!

smithec said...

She is so adorable. I can't believe how big she's getting! (by the way, the drooling is a gensch trait... she'll grow out of it eventually! :) )