

My least favorite chore is vacuuming. There is something about the vibrating handle that drives me up a wall. However, I do appreciate a clean floor, and even more now that Elli can roll! Having Elli with me has completely changed my attitude toward this task, though. Every time, I can't help but crack up as she watches, eyes glued to the vacuum. Her expression just kills me!

So, I'm sure it's much funnier in person, but I thought I'd share this video with you. It is kind of long, but that is part of what makes it so hilarious to me. She will do exactly this the whole ten minutes that it takes to vacuum our apartment (yes, I know I have absolutely no good reason to complain about vacuuming)!

You may want to turn the volume down if, like me, you hate the vacuum sound.

1 comment:

Majed said...

she is like watching a tennis game ,,lol