

24 hours... presenting the final project.

36 hours... finished with studio forever.

If you think of it, please pray for Daniel's strength and endurance. He's slept three hours out of the last forty-eight, and he's got a long thirty-six hours ahead of him.

Also, pray for his computer... that beast can make it or break it... sometimes I would like to break it.


Rohini Kulkarni said...

Good luck and my best wishes. May the future hold not only dreams come true and much success But all that means the most to you and gives you happiness! :)

Anonymous said...

I've been praying and will continue to pray! :)

Anonymous said...

YOU ARE DONE!!!! YOU ARE DONE!!!! YOU ARE DONE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohhhhh, I'm so excited for you guys!!!

I stopped by Ben's just as he got home to give him some congratulations zucchini bread ... and I so was tempted to pummel him with a hug when he opened the door! :) :) :)

YOU ARE DONE!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!