
Happy Father's Day!

Better late than never, right?

I confess we did not do anything particularly special this weekend for Father's Day. Saturday morning we made French toast and blueberry mimosas, and yesterday we played at the pool and took a family nap. Pretty exciting stuff... :) Next year I'll do better!

I also neglected to take any pictures... so, here's a sweet one from Memorial Day.

Elli and I are so thankful for her daddy, and we wanted to take a moment to share just a few of our reasons why:
  • He loves us with all of his heart.
  • He loves the Lord more!
  • He makes us feel beautiful.
  • He loves to snuggle his baby girl.
  • He has already had conversations with Elli about how he's the only man for her until she's at least 18. :)
  • He can make Elli laugh at just about anything. (and me too!)
  • He gets up in the middle of the night to make sure Elli hasn't kicked her covers off.
  • He makes up the best songs for Elli.
  • He's not afraid of a poopy diaper.
  • He preaches the gospel to us daily, both in word and deed.
  • He has prayed for me and our children before he even knew me.

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