
Nine Sweet Months

Sweet Caroline, there are so many wonderful things about you at nine months. Your daddy and I love to witness your precious personality budding right in front of us, and we feel so blessed that we get to be your parents.You and your big sister sure do make this an amazing adventure!

You love to blow raspberries with your tongue.  You blow the sweetest kisses.  
You can say Da-Da and Ma-ma.  You can sign "more," "milk," and "all done."  
Sometimes you say "ah duh" when you sign all done.

You give the biggest, wettest, sweetest kisses. And you always aim for the mouth. Oh, how I love them!
You smile easily. You have a deep, raspy chuckle. You giggle the most at your big sister.
You got your daddy's dancing gene and do a little bounce and wiggle anytime there is music.

You crinkle up your eyes when you smile sometimes.  That precious, gummy smile.
You are constantly drooling and gnawing on your fingers, but no teeth have made an appearance yet.
You are eating pretty well, although you definitely prefer yellow and orange veggies.

You are crawling, scooting, squirming, diving, rolling, pulling, jumping, and standing. 
Your new confidence suits you quite well.

Peek-a-boo is still your favorite game.
You are so curious about everything.  You watch closely everything your big sister does.  
You are busy and silly and sweet.
We love you so so much!

1 comment:

Erin said...

What a cutie! I totally see Brynn in some of her expressions :)