


listening: shane and shane pandora station.

watching: the lord of the rings trilogy. i found them at target for 3.99 and could not resist.  of course, it took daniel and i about two weeks to watch them through because we never could stay awake for a whole movie. 

reading: the meaning of marriage by tim keller, pride and prejudice by jane austen, and lots and lots of board books :)

eating: i've been enjoying trying a few new recipes, thanks to pinterest.  these lime bars are way too good.  seriously, don't make them unless you have to bring them somewhere.  i also made this quinoa salad last night, and definitely had seconds, ate it for breakfast, and will probably eat it for lunch.  make it.  tonight.

drinking: way too much coffee.

feeling:  overwhelmingly blessed and a little overwhelmed with being responsible for all those blessings in my life. that could explain some of the closet purging going on over here.  less stuff cluttering up our home = less stuff cluttering up my mind, right? 

wanting:  my quiet morning routine back!  we've had a rough week (or two) around here due to teething and bug bites, which has meant early and rather needy mornings.  my bsf lessons have been suffering.  and maybe my attitude.  just a little.

needing:  a haircut!  it's been about six months since my last one and my split ends are proof.  between that and the baby bangs frizziness going on, i'm pretty sure i haven't had a good hair day in months. ponytails are my friend.

thinking:  a lot about maturing in Christ.  a lot about what needs to change in my heart and life.  a lot about what God's doing in our lives here.  a lot about what it means to be vulnerable. a lot about what raising daughters.  a lot about freedom.  a lot.
enjoying:  my marriage.  2011 was a rough year for us... we plowed through some pretty hard, rocky soil of sin, shame, and selfishness  sometimes it seemed like we were getting stuck in the same old places, but praise God, all that hard work is finally bearing some good fruit. daniel is my best friend, my lover, my soul's traveling companion.  not to say things are perfect.  far from it.  obviously.  but we are growing.  and that gives me so much peace.


Erin said...

This is so beautiful, Meg! It made me smile :)

The Frenchs said...

I am also listening to Shane and Shane these days! And found a new favorite song, "Buried in the Grave" so good. I love your peaceful blog posts. I feel like through Internet we are mommy friends... :)