
June Vacation

Earlier this month we traveled home to see our families and had the best time. My only regret is that I only took out my real camera once during the whole trip! Oh, but don't worry... my smart phone was handy, so there are a few instagram pictures.

Early morning Texas, beautiful in it's own way --- But Kansas melts my heart.


Theater in the Park to see my brother, Adam, perform in Sweeney Todd. He's on the left.


 Homemade ice cream.  I really want an ice cream maker now!


 I got to spend some quality time with 2/3 of my best friends and meet the newest club-kiddo, Jonah.  These are always precious times.
(Thanks for the pictures, Michaela!)


 I was blessed to spend Father's Day with two of the greatest Dad's ever - my own and my baby's Daddy. What better way to celebrate than play Settlers and go swimming?


 Daniel's family lives on the way to and from my parent's home, so we book-ended our trip with two evenings there. This is the one and only time I pulled out my real camera, and with such adorable subject matter, I'm so glad I did!

Micah was very proud to show us all that he's learning in swim lessons.  Here he's instructing me on how to float on my back. Daniel and I were looking through some old pictures and compared this to one of him at three. Amazing the difference two years can make!


Stinker-face.  This girl gets more and more expressive every day, and sillier by the minute! She makes every day so much fun.

I remember sitting on the back patio last summer, passing newborns around, like it was yesterday. They grow so fast!


Look at these precious curls!!!


The kids did more swimming on our second night there, and Daniel showed Micah Plants vs. Zombies. :)


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