

 - the precious everyday moments -
 - you can find me on instagram as megfaye422 -

- "cheeese" - candy land queen - it's october, you gotta - my shopping buddy packed her own purse -
- colors! - bathtime - goofiness - good for my homesick heart -
- pumpkin painting - car nap - autumn produce - go cats! -
- little climber - playing nice - wrestling - nature walk -
- my constant companions - rain - girl's best friend - 1, 2, buckle my high chair -


- sidewalk chalk rapunzel - a hilarious conversation - a moment's peace - mesmerized by the big screens -
- word of affirmation + coffee = my love language - snack? - windows open! - reading with grandpa -
- daddy/daughter date - genesis in BSF - worn out - squeeeeeeze -
- pumpkins! - snuggle bug - psl + productivity - like i said, snuggle bug -
- chickie natural - big ol' meal from my favorite chefs - how strong is caroline? - pigtails -

1 comment:

Kelley said...

So cute! What a fun way to update. And seriously PSL plus anything= awesome :)