
Glory Alleluia!

Charlie woke up this morning singing "Glory Alleluia!" What a wonderful reminder for me to spend some time giving glory to God for His goodness to us this year before I dive full steam ahead into 2016. I went through and tried to pick my favorite picture from each month of 2015... which is nearly impossible, but I did my best. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise!

I took this picture five days after that positive pregnancy test, feeling completely overwhelmed by God's goodness.

Surprising our family with the news that #4 was on the way was so much fun and totally worth the five weeks of secret keeping!

Easter Sunday with our sweet girlies!

Choosing just one picture from the beach was impossible, so here are a few favorites.

I was completely spoiled turning 30 this year, and this unplanned sunrise walk with two of my favorites on the beach was such a sweet way to start a new decade.

Finding out we were going to be blessed with a fourth GIRL was such a joyous celebration! 

Our first family camping trip - so HOT but totally worth it. I can't wait to do it again.

First day of our school year. 

The most meaningful part of the year was seeing God answer a lot of prayers, both big and small, especially in our baby girl's healthy heart.

This girl continued to bloom this year! I loved watching her discover and enjoy soccer.

These pictures need no explanation. Our cup overflows.

This is my favorite picture of Charlie this year. Look at that confident stance! And the pigtails!!! She is such a delight and joy to our family.

Thank you Lord for the sweetness and goodness of this year. You have been so faithful to our family.

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