
Poop... Yes, you read that correctly.

What would a blog about a family with a baby be without at least one good poop story, right?

A few weeks ago, we took Elli to her first wedding. I was a little nervous about how she would do. Could she sit quietly through the ceremony? Where would I feed her? Would she nap in her car seat? Turns out, none of these were even an issue. She sat in her daddy's lap taking in all the wedding details like a true girl, I fed her in the car, and she cat-napped in her car seat. The one thing I should have been more worried about, however, was her diaper.

I should have seen it coming... she was due for a big one.

We arrived at the reception hall, and since Elli was perfectly content in her car seat, I just left her in it for the time being. She was just sitting there cooing in her pretty dress, happy as could be. (Now I know why!) Our poor, innocent friend, Alyssa, wanted to hold her, so I unbuckled Elli and handed her to Alyssa. Just in time, and I do mean just in time, I saw the tell-tale yellow stains on her dress, on her car seat, on her legs. One more second and it would have been all over Alyssa's beautiful dress.

This was not Elli's first diaper explosion, nor will it be her last, but it was definitely her worst yet! After putting her back in her car seat, we quickly found the ladies' room. For a few minutes I just stood there in the stall staring and wondering what on earth I was going to do with all that mess! As I began unbuttoning her dress, I asked Elli, "Did you make a big mess for mommy?" in my best baby talk voice. Do you know what she did? She laughed. A nice, round belly laugh. Apparently she thought it was a pretty hilarious! Even if it was over a massive poop explosion, I love laughing with my baby girl... sharing in our own little joke!

Thank goodness I had packed a change of clothes, and the kitchen gave me an extra trash sack to hold all the smelliness. I think this is just another rite of passage into motherhood; every mom should have a good poop story! What's yours?

The little Poop-meister herself

1 comment:

Stacey said...

So when Aiden was just about 3 weeks old Kreg and I decided to venture out to Best Buy one evening. Aiden was crying when we got there so before we went in I got him out of his carseat to soothe him. Well as it turned out he had a little gas and needed to poop. Being the inexperienced mother that I was I thought after one little poop he was probably done. So I decided we could change him and go in. Well we were in my old car (small backseat) with the carseat in the middle so I put the changing pad on my lap and decided to change him on my lap (showing my inexperience once again...and keep in mind Kreg is watching from the drivers seat.) In the middle of changing, Aiden decided he wasn't done! He proceeded to poop all over me (all over my hand, my legs, my crotch). And you know how runny that breastmilk poop is. I was laughing so hard I couldn't stop it. And I was yelling to Kreg "help me help me." THEN in the middle of all this Aiden had to pee too....he proceeded to pee ALL OVER the car window. When little baby boys pee they can go quite the distance. Oh my it was funny. And yes we still went into Best Buy. I followed Kreg all around Best Buy giggling at what just happened, with pee and poop stains all over my clothes (mostly in my crotch mind you). Yes I do agree....it is definitely a right of passage into motherhood.