
"A Homemaker's Dilemna"

I often find myself questioning the value in what I do everyday. Not in caring for Elli... I already see the rewards for that, and I'm confident there will be many more to come. But the other stuff: laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning. I clean the clothes just so they'll get dirty again. I wash the dishes just so we can get them dirty again. I cook just so that we can get hungry again. I clean just so we can get it all dirty again. Okay... maybe I'm dramatizing a wee bit, but seriously, there are days when I wonder if my time and energy would be better spent outside of our home. You know, doing something... important... or at least something with a paycheck!

Now, maybe I'm one of the few that feel this way, but I have to think that in today's society, some of you may also struggle with this at times. Well, today I read a very encouraging and convicting series, "A Homemaker's Dilemna" on the girltalk blog. (Thank you, Kristin!) I hope you are as encouraged as I am!

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