

Elli is on the move! She will scoot across her blanket to get any toy she wants, and when she combines her scooting and rolling skills... look out! I've already started to realize I'll have to make some changes. No longer can I get up from working on something on the floor next to her and leave anything I don't want to end up in Elli's mouth (like my grocery list, Bible, or worst... pen!) I also need to get some safety gear for our outlets, cabinets and drawers. It won't be long til she can crawl over and open them!

Here is a video from my phone of her scooting. I have no idea why the sound does that... I'll try to fix it, but I honestly don't even know where to start. Watch for her tossing the ring just out of her reach so she has to scoot a little further to get it. This is her favorite game right now!

Also... normally, I do clothe my child. We were just getting ready to go swimming.
Sorry again about the sound!


Michaela said...

its a cool sound...it sounds asian..:) love her new scootin!

Unknown said...

A girl who likes to challenge herself! I'm sooo proud of her!