
Pumpkin Carving

Elli was quite distraught over the fate of her beloved pumpkin, but I think she was not totally unhappy with the results.
"Daddy, how could you!"
Deep, deep concern... or possibly the grumpies... jury is still out on that one.
I'm fairly certain Elli is not going to be a fastidious child, because when she was presented with the pumpkin guts, she dove right in!And of course, she couldn't resist a taste!We took our design down several notches from last year, but I sort of love the simplicity of a good old-fashioned Jack-O-Lantern.Elli went to bed not long after playing with the pumpkin guts, so she had to wait until morning to see her daddy's handiwork. I think she liked it!


Erin said...

Oh my! I laughed out loud whe nI saw the first picture. The horror! Good thing her daddy is a talented man ;-)

Erin said...

"when I"