

Sorry for the lack of pictures... neither of our parents have the program we need to get pictures from our camera, so you'll just have to wait for another couple of weeks!

Before I completely forget, I have got to record some of Elli's major milestones! First of all, she got her first tooth on November 12, and now has three with the fourth extremely close to popping through! I love her little toothy grin!

Also, the girl is walking! She actually has been for almost a month now. While I was still recovering from surgery, she started to attempt longer distances, but still with a destination in sight. Mid-December, she got brave enough to just go for it and gradually increased her steps. Now she's pretty much completely independent, although I just started her in "real" shoes (as opposed to robees), so she's had to relearn a little bit.

She can use signs to communicate "more," "please," "milk," "eat," and sort of "all done." Besides "mama" and "dada," she has said "nana" (banana), and "ball," but inconsistently. She is quite the little chatterbox... I can't wait to know what she's saying!

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