

We have had a wonderful holiday back "home," spending tons of time with family and friends. Daniel and I both feel so refreshed, being surrounded by people who know us and love us!

You know, I wasn't one tiny bit sad to say goodbye to 2009. The year was full of wonderful things, but the second half of it has been more than a little challenging. I don't always share all the hard stuff on here, but the truth is, 2009 was tough. Moving to a new city where we didn't know a soul, transitioning out of school life into an 8-5 M-F schedule, and some pretty difficult personal struggles have all added up to make for a rocky summer and fall for us.

So, welcome 2010! I don't expect all of my troubles to evaporate, and there will surely be plenty of new trials to face, but God has certainly provided us with an exciting beginning to this new year: I have a job! Not just a job.... a great job! The dream job! Starting January 10, I will be the new student ministry assistant! (I keep trying to type out the story behind all this in a concise way, but it's just too cool how God brought it to us. I think it might deserve more than a few sentences... maybe I'll write a separate post about it, or ask and I'll tell you how good He is!)

Anyway, I'm so thankful that God has met so many of my needs through this opportunity. The position clearly allows me to continue making my calling as wife and mommy first priority, so I'll be able to bring in a little extra income without sacrificing what we believe is most important for our family right now. Also, my greatest frustration here has been building relationships. I am often lonely... and honestly, often bored. Now I have the opportunity to invest in both relationships and a program that really matters. I'm excited to dive in and get to know the students, their families, and the staff at the church, as well as really build a youth program that will impact years of students. I never dreamed that I would be able to find a job that would fit so perfectly with our schedule and our family values, without being an enormous strain. God is so good.
What a great start to a new year. Praise God!

1 comment:

Anna Kristina said...

congratulations! That is so exciting, and it's always so great to hear how God works everything out with a plan so good we couldn't imagine. Very encouraging as I'm waiting for God to open up a job for me!