
Visit to Granpa and Mia's

We have an awesome, family-filled month planned around here! Elli and I kicked it off by a visit to my parents. It was so fun to see how much she had changed in the last couple of months since we'd seen them. Uncle Michael flies in on Thursday to spend the following two weekends with us (he has a conference the week between). And finally, Elli and I are flying up to see Papa and Nona next week! So busy, but so much fun! Fortunately, Elli is a great traveler, so it makes it a little easier!

Here are some pics from our time at Grandpa and Mia's:
New favorite book! We read this MANY times over!Uncle Ryan wrote Elli a song (yes, ladies... he's single!), so here she is listening to it for the first time.
And making it a duet.Getting some pointers from Uncle Ryan.
Playing catch with Uncle Ryan. We also had lunch with Aunt Sara, and spent Sunday evening with Uncle Adam and Aunt Sara, but unfortunately I did not take any pictures. Next time! And I thought I had emailed some pictures of Elli with her Grandpa and Great-Grandma but apparently they didn't come through. Hopefully I will have those soon!

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