
September Moments

Instagram memories from September:

 We started Kindergarten!  These pictures were taken at our coop's back to school carnival. Caroline's pose cracks me up!

 Hanging out with Malachi. Caroline, like with Charlie, is very aware of what Malachi is doing. She was always bringing him toys and giving kisses.

 Snuggling up for Saturday morning cartoons. Charlie was pretty happy about it.

 Our littlest Wildcat!

 As our home slowly comes together (not the lack of floor trim and outlet covers), it has been nice to slowly add in some decorations and colors.

 On one of the first cool evenings, we had Colin, Christine, Micah and Brynn over for chili. 

 Charlie started eating solids this month! Avocados were her first food, but she has now added many others, and is even starting to take little bites of our dinners when she can. She's loving food!

 Something about her little eyes poking out of the ergo just kills me! I love this lady!

 We explored the state fair with some friends and family. This was Charlie's first train ride.

 I adore this picture of all my girls... Caroline was so excited to get to hold Charlie.

 I've been trying to get the girls helping me out in the kitchen more and more. They enjoy it so much, and although right now it creates more mess and work for me, I know someday it'll all pay off! Here they "painted" acorn squash with butter and maple syrup.

 When I work on Thursdays, Charlie usually stays with me. I realized that it's one of the few times during the week that she plays by herself, and I love seeing how focused she gets on her toys.

 The girls and I like to go for a late afternoon walk (you know... during that witching hour) to help us all survive until Daddy gets home. This was the first day that was cool enough to require hats, and the girls were thrilled about it!

 Charlie wasn't too sure about the hat thing. Better get used to it kiddo.

 Charlie has been practicing sitting up all by herself. She's pretty close, but still needs some pillows to catch her when she inevitably falls. 

 We started school this month! Elli is thriving.

 She got to read her very first book to the family. Seeing her learn to read has been such a special experience for me. 

Daddy and his little Wildcats. 

 I have noticed recently that Caroline has frequently been asking for me to color with her. She's still pretty young, but I have wondered if quality time is her love language. Especially with me spending more time doing school with Elli, I want to be intentionally about making special time with Cara too!

 Elli takes an art class at our coop on Fridays, and while she is in class, the rest of the families hang out in the gym or play at the park. Charlie does so well, even if she often misses her first nap. I love that she is always reaching out to touch me.

 On this particular day, Caroline was having an emotional morning. A lonely tea party was just what she needed to recharge for the rest of the day. Maybe she does have a bit of her mommy's introversion?

 These two just crack me up... when I snapped this picture, I was not at all aware of what their poses look like, I just thought they looked cute cuddled up on the couch. So when I saw this picture later in the day, I was dying laughing! Three going on thirteen.

 Another Saturday morning cartoons shot... The big girls always want to be as close to Charlie as they possibly can!

Kisses from my girl. She gives them often and open mouthed. I can't get enough of her loving'! She has also started hugging and patting my back.

 We got to meet our newest sweet niece this month. Our family is being ridiculously blessed with precious babies during this season, and we are loving it!

Daniel looks pretty good holding a baby, that's for sure. Swoon.

Charlie LOVES to watch her big sisters ride their bikes and scooters. She gets so excited - bouncing and squawking and squirming around and around to see them. 

 Caroline loves to ride the scooter, but she picks it up like this anytime there's a big bump in the sidewalk. 

 I can't prove that it's meant for me, but Charlie has started saying, "Mama." She melts me.

 Charlie is starting to get very talkative during church, so one of us usually listens over the speakers in the gathering area. She's such a happy camper.

 There's been a lot of talk lately, especially between the girls and the neighbor kids, about what they're dressing up for Halloween as. So far, the girls have landed on Anna and Belle. They wanted a trial run, even with their hair. 

 I adore finding pictures my girls have taken on my phone (they know how to turn the camera on without entering my password), but this particular series might be my favorite ever. Who taught her the duck lips?

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