
Happy Father's Day

Elli loves her Daddy! More than just loves him... she's crazy about him!  Our morning routine is to bring her in bed with us after she wakes up to cuddle and play for a little while.  She (and we) loves this time of day!  She's always so happy to see us both, but especially her Daddy.  He usually gets the first big hug, and her newest thing is to "scratch" Daddy's back just like Mommy does.  So cute.  If Daddy is missing, Elli is very concerned.  She looks under all the pillows and blankets, holding her little hands up and saying, "Ruh ruh ruh?" (interpretation = where is it?).  Elli loves her Daddy.

This week was crazy at Daniel's work, so she didn't get to see as much of him in the evenings as she usually does, and the mornings were a little rushed.  This morning was special because you could just see how much she had missed him in the way she hugged him and kept saying his name.

Since tomorrow is also going to be a little nutty around here (church, vbs set-up, and a new Sunday evening service), we decided to celebrate Father's Day on Saturday instead.  After playing and snuggling for a few minutes, Elli and I let Daddy sleep in for a bit while we made a special breakfast!

Technically, these pictures are from last weekend, but they are an accurate representation of my little pancake helper this morning.  Note Pooh Bear, never far from her side.
I tried to be cute and make pancake letters, but they turned out huge and lopsided... fortunately I did Dad instead of Daddy or Father. :)
Breakfast in bed for Daddy.  Elli thought this was amazing.  
 "Food in bed?  Who knew my parents were so crazy?"

Daniel, you truly are the most amazing Daddy!  Every time I see you with her, I am so thankful that God gave me such a devoted, passionate, God-fearing, and all around fun man to be my kids' dad!  I praise God for you every day!

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