
Going Gluten Free

Let me begin by saying, thank goodness there is no gluten in ice cream!

Yup, we are changing things up around here for the sake of a dietary experiment. Daniel has been having stomach aches, which in addition to his continued problems with his esophagus, have led us to suspect that he might be gluten intolerant. Recently, he realized that he does not get the stomach aches while in China, where gluten is less commonly part of their diet. So, although he hasn't been tested officially, we decided it couldn't hurt to try going gluten free for a while and see if it helps.

Anyhow... I know several of our friends and family follow a GF diet, and I would love any tips/recipes/resources you want to pass on! I'm not worried so much about our dinners, because apart from a few pasta dishes, we really don't eat a lot of gluten at dinner. Breakfast and lunch, however, are a different story! Eggs on toast, cereal, sandwiches, and homemade pita with hummus are all common breakfasts and lunches. I'm especially interested in finding good lunches that are easily taken to work.

So, what are the best GF brands and products? Is there a superior flour substitute (like for homemade pitas)? Know of any good recipe books or websites? I would so appreciate any help you can give me!
Thanks, y'all!


Erin said...

As long as gluten is the only thing you have to avoid, it's actually REALLY easy! If you're buying bread, buns, etc. Udi's is WAY better than Rudi's. For boxed dessert mixes, I like Betty Crocker brownies, cookies & cakes. Bisquick also has a gluten-free option.

The thing about baking w/o a mix is that different flours have different absorbancies...so, even if you have a recipe, you may need to experiment a bit with the amount of liquid you use. AND, these recipes usually require 2 or 3 kinds of flours because of this reason...which can make it a bit complicated. Googling "gluten free pita recipe" will probably yield some results, but one thing I like to do is narrow down my search to just blogs. Moms are SUCH an awesome resource and often break down the whys & hows of what works and what doesn't. With pictures!

We eat mostly rice and quinoa as grains and as pastas. When I make chicken nuggets (or anything breaded) I like almond and coconut flour. I still have to read a lot of labels, because wheat is hidden in things you don't expect, like soy sauce and imitation crab, even some frozen french fries! But there are companies that make them without gluten, too...just takes a little detective work to find them :)

I hope he notices a difference! I've been migraine free for 6 months and am loving it :)



Anonymous said...

I've had horrible migraines this past year, and I suspect (but am not yet sure) that they are related to gluten. I went GF about a month ago. I LOVE LOVE Glutino Pretzels (more than wheat ones!) and Lundberg Rice Chips. I also enjoy Envirokidz GF cereals.

Bob's Red Mill GF pancake mix tastes awesome and is cheaper than Bisquick and several other brands.

I know prices may be relative since I'm in KS, but Target's Archer Farms quinoa is super cheap: about $7 for a 15 oz bag. (Other brands tend to be $5+ for 8oz.) I eat a lot of rice and quinoa stir fry dishes and skillet meals.

Still trying to figure out what to do about communion ... I realized my error about 3 seconds after I took the bread last week. Just a heads up.

This isn't an exclusively GF blog, but their recipes are uber tasty and many are GF: http://thricethespice.blogspot.com/

Hope this helps. Please post any good recipes you find!!

Anonymous said...

One more: Food Should Taste Good has some tasty snack chips and crackers.


Sincerely Jill said...

This is probably crazy weird, but I ran across your blog because way back in high school I went to school with Daniel. So Hi, I'm Jill. I am gluten and lactose intolerant (as well as other things, I'm complicated), and I have had really good luck with all of it. Rice, quinoa, amd millet are great go to's for lunch dinner with some sort of veggie and protein. For breakfast! Gluten-free granola is awesome. You can make your own or buy it. Many people who are intolerant of gluten but do not have celiac can eat spelt bread with no problems. I also have a blog with recipes if you'd like to check it out!