I really can't believe May is here already. Funny how those last weeks of pregnancy drag on, but as soon as baby gets here, time triples its speed. Going from two to three has been both harder and easier... I find myself much more stretched than before, but feeling immeasurably more blessed.
I can visibly see how much Charlie has grown in just one short month, and it scares me a little. Every stage has its sweetness (and its bitterness), but this newborn one is just so simple and precious. In no other season will she and I just sit and stare into each others eyes; nor will she always want to be held and allow me to kiss her little cheeks as much as I want.
These weeks have not been without their struggles, however. Nursing has been a longer problem than with the other two. In the beginning, I would have near panic attacks in the middle of the night as the next feeding approached. Thankfully, with the help of time and a lactation consultant, we have figured things out much better. And then this morning I woke up with mastitis. Awesome.
Daniel, Charlie and I got to travel to Nashville this month to meet up with our family there. Shame on me for not getting one single picture of Charlie with her aunts and uncles. We'll see them all again Memorial Day weekend, however, so I will remedy that!
On the flight there, Charlie gave us her first real smiles. I think she's going to like traveling. Those smiles are coming more and more frequently now, and each one brings so much joy! We all will do just about anything to get one.
Elli loves to "help" her play with toys, and is already speaking for her. This lizard, who was originally named Pineapple by the girls, was apparently renamed Spit-Up by Charlie. I can't think of a more appropriate name for it.
Caroline gives her the sweetest, gentlest kisses. Whenever I'm talking with Charlie, she repeats everything I say. She also loves to read her books.
As we've adjusted to life as a family of five, there have been some tears (mostly mine) and some growing pains, but none without their measure of sweetness. Saturday morning snuggles have never been better.
Charlie generally has a little bit of a fussy time in the evenings, so we've had to figure out new ways to juggle and tag team dinner/bath/cleanup/remodel/nursing/soothing/bedtime prayers. Thank goodness I think she's beginning to grow out of this.
The two big girls have adjusted so well to all the change in our lives. They adore Charlie and have not once resented her for needing me when they want me. If anything, they've grown closer as sisters and friends, even beginning to have "sleep-overs" at night. They may stay up a little later, but their giggles and conversations are just priceless.
Grocery shopping has become a bit of an adventure, but we are figuring out how to make it work. Mainly bribes. :)
In the midst of all.the.things that must be done, I'm trying to make time to be a fun mom, too. Time to read, to snuggle, to hide those Easter eggs for the 85th time.
This is one distinct advantage to being in the middle of a remodel - the girls can run out all kinds of energy without us worrying about things being ruined.

We have been so blessed by our family and friends who have brought us meals these past several weeks. Doubly blessed because we don't have a kitchen! On nights where I do have to think about dinner, we've kept it really simple. Grilled chicken and salads, crockpot meals, and popcorn-cheese-and-apples. Daniel commented that it's kind of like camping, except with plumbing.
We are now at the fun part where we are starting to put big things in, not tearing things out or fixing what is existing. Next up are the floors! I am beyond excited to see our vision come to life, and of course to have a functional kitchen again.
Basically, life is crazy and full and messy and fun and precious and just so so blessed right now.
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