Six years ago, Elinor Faye changed our lives forever when she came into the world. I still marvel at what a gift she was and is to our family. The Lord gave us such a special firstborn!

Elli's 5th birthday was far more emotional than this year. You see, I love the baby/toddler ages. They are my people. When Elli turned five, it hit me hard that that stage of life with her was over. We were entering into big-kid-dom, which felt scary and new. Would I enjoy being a mom of a big kid? Would I be able to navigate these new, deeper waters of motherhood?
Well, firstly and THANKFULLY, I have a perfect Navigator, so I can just stop worrying about what lies ahead. He will provide. He will be enough when I am clearly not.
Secondly... Elli showed me this year that I am not only going to like her big kid years, I am going to LOVE them! Seeing her try new things this year, sometimes battling through a little fear, I have been so honored and proud and thankful. She is rocking her new role as oldest of three girls - cherishing and caring for her little sisters. She was strong and brave during a year of change and chaos, taking each new adventure in stride.
The birthday girl requested "Grandpa's deer, Elsa peas and strawberry cake" of her birthday meal. Who is this girl?!? So we made venison chili and offered both frozen or cooked peas. Caroline helped me bake the strawberry cake, and my sis-in-love Karis taught me how to make the little roses. My technique needs a little work, but it was fun to try something new!
The birthday girl requested "Grandpa's deer, Elsa peas and strawberry cake" of her birthday meal. Who is this girl?!? So we made venison chili and offered both frozen or cooked peas. Caroline helped me bake the strawberry cake, and my sis-in-love Karis taught me how to make the little roses. My technique needs a little work, but it was fun to try something new!
A few highlights from this past year:
- The day she met Charlie and every day since. Her love for her baby sister is fierce and tender. No one gets a smile quicker than Elli.
- Listening to her read her first book. She has worked hard and it shows!
- Seeing her on stage performing in her first production. The way she conquered her fears with a smile on her face still makes me tear up.
- How she sings all the time. Her sweet voice will be the soundtrack of my memories.
- Watching Daniel teach her how to ride her bike. The morning after her birthday, she came out of her room fully dressed and immediately put on her helmet, knee and elbow pads. She is thrilled every single time and is getting pretty good, even without training wheels!
We got to celebrate with our local family on her actual birthday.
What a gift to have cousins who are also your best friends. Who else would help you open all your birthday gifts?
I can't handle this cute little angel.
And here is our big 6-year-old on that first ride the next morning! We are so proud of her!
This picture just kills me... Charlie was a fan for about .5 seconds.
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